Honey Cheese Bread ala Mulligans

Back in days of yore, I worked at this bar called Mulligans. It closed shortly after my friends and I left college, as college bars do from time to time. The good thing is, the two things they made well, honey mustard sauce and honey cheese bread, I learned how to make, so they can live on! If I ever saw the sous chef again I’d kiss her right on the mouth for teaching me the recipes (thank you Miss Loretta!).

I haven’t really formulated a true recipe for their honey mustard sauce because it’s kind of one of those “little bit of this/little bit of that” type things. I’m working on it.

The honey cheese bread though? I’ve perfected that bad boy. So without further adieu…




  • 2 10-12″ hoagie rolls, sliced in half lengthwise*
  • 3 tablespoons of salted butter (if you want to use unsalted, just add about a teaspoon of salt after the butter is melted)
  • 2 heaping tablespoons honey
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese**
  • 1 cup shredded swiss cheese**

*Feel free to try to fancy it up with French bread or Italian bread, but the hoagie roll is what Mulligans used and I think it’s the best.

**You can buy the shredded cheese but don’t buy that fancy really tiny shredded cheese. You want a bigger shred, which is why I prefer to just shred it myself.


  1. Melt the butter in the microwave, then add the honey to the melted butter and stir together.
  2. This is the crucial part so pay attention – Spoon the honey butter mixture onto the bread but as you’re doing it, kind of push the spoon into the bread so that the honey butter mixture really soaks into the bread. Then let it sit for a minute or two. This is usually when I shred the cheese, so I know I’m giving the time for that delicious honey butter to really permeate the bread.
  3. Combine your shredded cheeses and top the bread. It’ll look like a lot of cheese but it’s really not once it’s melted. Each slice should have a 1/2 cup of cheese on it and it’ll look pretty piled up.
  4. Place the bread on a cookie sheet because odds are some of that cheese is going to spill over.
  5. I cook it in my toaster oven on toast (level 5) but you can also put it in the oven at 350 for about 3-5 minutes. Just watch it until it looks like the level of toasty you want it. I like mine a little toastier so I leave it in closer to 7 minutes.
  6. Then take it out, slice it up (or don’t) and enjoy! It’s that simple 🙂
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Game of Thones: Season 5 Episode 6

Hello once again! I figured since I did it last week, and because American Idol is over – why not continue my conversations while watching Game of Thrones. This time I watched with my best pal Jess. She’s also read the books (remember I only like to talk to people who’ve read the books so they can give me, the non-book reader, some better understanding).

And like last time, I’ve added some stuff, re-arranged some stuff because Jess started a few minutes before me thanks to me having to do some re-winding and whatnot. I also added some tweets from this person I don’t know but recently started following. If you wanna follow her, you can find her at @motelsonthemoon. Anyway, here ya go! Enjoy 🙂


Ok. I’ve got it paused at the beginning

KB: cool. I’m just looking at The Rocks beautiful face.
I hope his show is good but I hated Entourage so I imagine I will end up not liking it.
JW: It’s nuts. I think I’d have rather not read the books at this point cause they are veering wildly off course now

Oh the Rock

KB: I’ve heard that
JW: I want to like that show too
KB: although my friend Katie posted something like “as a book reader not much shocks me, this episode shocked me” so I’m curious what she’s talking about (although I think I know)

I’m watching the “previously on”. I think it’s almost done.

JW: Yay
KB: ok it’s starting for realsies

UGGGGGHHH hold on. Someone is talking… let me pause while I eye roll in his direction…

ok sorry. and then he’s like – oh you’re watching GoT? Well guess what, this just happened – guess I definitely know what’s gonna happen at the end of the episode now… grumble grumble. At least it’s what I thought it was.

JW: Seriously. OMG.
KB: I mean I know most of the spoilers and when he said what happened I figured that’s what it was but come on

ok so I really don’t get arya’s life right now, well her storyline. I mean I get the like “you must become no one” but what are they doing with these maybe possibly dead people?

**Side note: Best comment regarding Arya’s new life:

GOT S5E6 - Arya

JW: Yeah, you’ll see.
KB: I better. I’m getting impatient. lol

“You will know why. When it’s time, not before…” ugh, thanks bitch.

JW: Haha
KB: seems like this chick and Arya have a little bit in common… well, if it’s true I guess. By her attitude I’m guessing it’s not true? Is that girl even really a girl or is she that guy? I guess we’ve seen them together so probably not…
JW: Who knows what is true anymore? lol
KB: Word. So she’s just getting beat until she says she’s no one? I mean, come on dude… Arya, get the net.
JW: She’s a bit hard headed.
KB: Clearly. lol.

Poor Jorah. I really want him to live 😦

JW: Me too
KB: I hope if he dies (probably when…) he at least does it noble-y
JW: He’s one of my favorites.
KB: I find myself making deals with this show like, I’ll be ok with Jorah dying if it means Brienne is ok.
JW: I don’t know how I never put two and two together. . That the Commander was his dad.
KB: Yeah, I didn’t either. Although in the scenes from last week when they showed him I was like, why are they showing that guy again (but I wasn’t really listening)… then I was like, AHA! When the scene happened – How did we not put two and two together? I mean, you read the books. haha

So at what point do you think the stone-skin stuff like, really changes you into those crazy people?

JW: I love Tyrion
KB: He’s the best.

*Sidenote, if you haven’t seen his thing for the Red Nose Day, you definitely need to check that out. ASAP.

JW: He ‘s changed my mind about dwarves.
KB: my friend Stephanie is obsessed with him. Since way before GoT.
JW lol
KB: Awkward that Tyrion’s gotta tell him his dad died. Whoopsies. Um, duh he didn’t know TYRION. What, you think a man on the run in the fake middle ages gets email?

GOT S5E6 - MyBad

JW: Yeah, Ravens are freaking slow. Frown emoticon
KB: haha. For serious.

So people take like, sick people to this temple too? How did they get in but they give Arya a hard time? Is it because she wasn’t sick?

JW: Yeah.
KB: Is this another trick? Is the sick girl that bitch from earlier and the dad is faceless man guy?
JW: It’s a trap! lol. I don’t know…
KB: When was Arya sick and dying? Do we know that happened? Do book readers know that happened? When’s someone come up behind her and whip her like last time? I feel like now that girl is gonna turn into a dragon or something
JW: Haha. It’s not true. She’s lying.
KB: Aha. Wow moment numero dos. Well, not wow, but aha.

What’s in that water? The suspense is killing me. Is this a trap?

JW: It’s weird.
KB: where is she gooooooooing?

So they kill people… Clean ‘em up .. And make skin suits out of them? How very Hannibal Lector of them.

**Afterthought – is that girl they brought in supposed to look like Arya-esque so she can inhabit her face?

JW: I don’t get this place.
KB: and then they use their weird magic to inhabit these peoples faces (or their whole bodies? Is that why they have to do all the body washing and whatnot?)

I love how vast it looks though. It’s a cool little underground palace

you know, minus the creepy heads and whatnot

JW: Lol yeah… That place is huge
KB: wonder what made her ready to become someone else, when she’s still talking about her past history
JW: I dunno… because she let the girl die? Because she lied to the girl maybe?
KB: maybe. who knows. but did that fountain kill her?

“Targaryeans are famously insane” hahaha

“Ever heard baby dragons singing? Hard to be a cynic after that” – have we ever heard baby dragons singing? I don’t think I’d be that impressed… Tyrion is bringing up some good points I hadn’t thought of about how others might see Dany… but I think I’m still on her team.

JW: Oh Jorah. . .
KB: Who are these dudes beating them up?
JW: Slavers.
KB  It’s Mr. Eko!!!

GOT S5E6 - MrEko

KB: So, Since they punched Jorah, will they get stone-skin crap? Will Tyrion get it because the slave guys touched both of them?
JW: I don’t think you get it until the person is all stone y
KB: “it’ll be a dwarf sized cock” “guess again” hahahahahahahaha

They could always bring a dead body though… the slavers haven’t really thought this through…

JW: Lol. Oh Tyrion… That is a great line
KB: I mean, they’ve mentioned his non-dwarf sized appendage before. haha

I want to hear one of the songs they wrote about Jorah. I would’ve made Tyrion sing one.

JW: Peter… He’s gonna get himself in trouble.
KB: Fuck that guy. I hate littlefinger.
JW: Me too. He’s even worse in the books.
KB: I don’t know who I hate more… Baelish or those weird religious people. Are those weird cult-ies gonna do something to him?
JW: I have a weird attraction to the guy who plays him though… And his accent
KB: He has a rat face to me, but I don’t think he’s un-attractive. Just “not my type” attractive. Isn’t Baelish supposed to be some kind of religious person?

I had to re-wind because I missed the beginning of Cersie conversation

JW: He’s a money guy, not religious. He only provided “services” to the priest guys.
KB: it’s more his clothes that made me think he had some kind of religious background. He dresses like a bougie monk – is that an oxymoron?
JW: Yeah, with his leather dress…

Oh.. He’s telling Cersei about Sansa

KB: God he’s fucked up. Is there anyone he won’t turn on? Is he trying to get her to do something to the Boltons? I kind of hope so if that’s his angle – Hey Cers, hows about you go skin you some Ramsay and Roose? Have their sigil made out of them!

GOT S5E6 - Flayer

JW: I wanna know how Cersei keeps her hair so perfectly curled
KB: Because she’s a bad bitch.
JW: With no electricity.
KB: She probably uses the burning fingers of children.

So clearly Baelish just wants power. who the fuck are the Lannisters gonna strike with? And Baelish wants Warden of the North? As if…

**Side note – Cersei’s def right about Lysa….

GOT S5E6 - LysaCrazy

JW: haha.
KB: I mean, what’s this tools end game? He’s basically Frank Underwood in House of Cards… or the Penguin in Gotham. More like Frank though, I think.
JW: YES! That’s exactly his game. If he’s got the Aerie (from marrying Lysa), then marries Sansa and he gets Winterfell and becomes Warden of the North.
KB: mmhhmmm…

I like how the Dorne King guy wants to protect his son/Cersei Jr.

aw poor Mycella… she’s got a hot husband and her dads gonna kidnap her because he thinks he’s doing the right thing…

JW: She does look a lot like Cersei. He’s basically king already. I want them to be together. They’re cute.
KB: Why is the King in a wheelchair?
JW: In the book he has gout.
KB: seems legit… the Kings disease, isn’t it? or just rich people disease?
JW: I love Bron! Brom? Whatever his name is..
KB: I like the sand snake chicks. These girls are about to go balls out aren’t they? where are they going? To find Jamie?

or to make sure Jamie and Bronn don’t get Cersei Jr? Or are they going after Cersei Jr?

JW: I think they’re trying to kill Myrcella. I think.
KB: ok that’s what I was thinking. Fight scenes always make me nervous but that one was lame. All those people fighting, especially notoriously badass snakes, and no one dies? That’s very non-GOT-like. I guess I’m happy because I don’t really want any of these people to die.

Now I’m wondering how all these people even got into the water gardens? Isn’t it part of the palace? Can anyone go there?

JW: Oh for fucks sake. lol. That should’ve been so much better. Weak scene.
KB: YESSSSSSS  Granny is back!! The best character in all the land!
JW: She’s the best
KB: if she doesn’t stay safe I will stop watching this show. The only acceptable death for her is comfortably in her bed. He’s better with women deaths than he is with men (Martin, that is) so hopefully she’ll be ok
JW: Burn
KB: What veil? hahaha
JW: I love her.
KB: House Lannister has no rivals – um… might wanna check on that Cers. That’s old news.
JW: Maybe before daddy lion bit the dust.
KB: Bingo. Everyone hates Cers. Who’s going to do business with her?
JW: This guy freaks me out.
KB: Yeah, I wanted to like the old grampy but I really don’t. He’s nuts. I did like when he played Juan Peron in Evita though, if that’s any consolation.

GOT S5E6 - Pryce

I like the beard that Loras is rocking though… Makes him almost look like Theon.

JW: Yeah
KB: This is not looking good for Loras… oh shit.

GOT S5E6 - Trial

JW: Uh oh… Margery too?
KB: Cersei what kind of trick witchery do you have up your sleeve? She’s the fucking Queen. How is this being tolerated by Tommen? Stand up for your woman, boy!

fucking CSI up in this shit

JW: Cersei done fucked up.
KB: this old guy has gotta die. what the fuck man. And take that Oliver guy out while you’re at it.

aha, this Miranda chickadee… I still don’t know her angle.

JW: She’s a freak.
KB: Is she trying to be friends with her? Maybe just getting Sansa to trust her so that she can leak info to Ramsay? But I feel like she is maybe just giving her tips so she survives Ramsay?
JW: She’s a nutcase. Straight up.
KB: At least they show that Sansa sees through her. I was a little worried.
JW: Sansa is kind of awesome.
KB: At least her wedding dress is pretty, you know, for a Northerly look.
JW: She’s one of the characters I didn’t care for at first.
KB: I hated her for a solid 2 seasons. What was to like, with her sucking up to Joffrey? Barf. I don’t think I started liking her until the end of last season. And I’m still not sure if I like her or just pity her?
JW: Yeah, she’s grown on me. Isn’t she still technically married to Tyrion though? I don’t get how they are marrying her off again
KB: I hope Sansa finds out that Theon didn’t kill her family

Something about how since Tyrion never consummated the marriage?

JW: Oh. I guess that makes sense.
KB: Yeah, in weird fucked up crazy land.
JW: In the books he lied.
KB: Which makes sense. Let him think he’s rightful but then it’ll turn out he wasn’t and that way Baelish can marry Sansa.

Wasn’t it not even supposed to be Sansa? It was supposed to be like, someone pretending to be Arya?

JW: Yeah Sansa is supposed to be somewhere with Peter, in the books.
KB: I’m surprised Theon said his name was Theon and not Reek

Man Theon is another one I hated but ultimately feel really bad for

how do they do that with SO MANY characters in this damned book?

JW: Lol. Right?!
KB: the only people I’ve consistently hated from beginning to end are Ramsay and Joffrey

I do not think Ramsey is being honest about wanting her to be happy

JW: Eeep. Ramsay freaks me the duck out.
KB: word. the creepiest. even his smile is creepy
JW: He plays creepy insane so well.
KB: That’s the truth.

Is he gonna tell her he killed her brothers now? Even though he didn’t do that either?

JW: Ew. Ew. Ew. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww.
KB: Well this is uncomfortable…
JW: Um…….. yeah. About that.
KB: although at least they aren’t showing anything? Lets just express ourselves through other people’s twitters:

GOT S5E6 - RamsaySansa01 GOT S5E6 - RamsaySansa02


And if people want more, you can go here.

JW: This is terrible.
KB: You know it’s bad when they don’t paly music at the end.
JW: Poor Sansa.
KB: Honestly I thought it would be way more graphic based on what I saw on FB and Twitter last night while I wasn’t watching. I mean, it was uncomfortable but I’m glad I didn’t have to actually watch it.
JW: It definitely wasn’t Game of Thrones Sex Scene-esque.
KB: Hardly. But I get that it’s traumatizing. Especially if something like that has happened to you. I mean, ugh. And I mean, if I was Sansa I’d be like – wasn’t this just supposed to be some chick who looks like me? Why am I filling in for some rando?
JW: Totally uncomfortable.

In the books the kids are all much younger too. They had to age them up I’m sure for propriety sake

KB: Yeah for sure. People seem to frown on chi-mo’s on TV unless it’s SVU. But you’d think they’d frown on TV Rape as well. I mean, this is like, the 3rd rape scene in this TV show. Not to mention the child wifery.

I want this whole situation to make her not trust Baelish and get back with Brienne


And that’s the end of that. Looking forward to next weeks hopefully rape free Ep 7.

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Game of Thrones – A G-Chat – Season 5 Ep 5

So I don’t watch GoT live usually. But I always like to make sure my trusty friend Brian is available when I do watch because he’s read the books. And I like when he watches it first because he can warn me if anything truly terrible ala The Red Wedding is about to happen.


Anyway, last week I read a thing on Buzzfeed that was something like “73 things I learned from watching last nights Game of Thrones” and was like – wait, I do that too! But mine also have questions and sometimes answers. So I thought just for fun I’d post my gchat that I had with Brian while watching GoT. I took out some of the extra “me” and “brian” things and the time stamps just to make it a little more conversational but anyway, enjoy! I also edited out the other brief work related parts of the conversation, so you’re welcome. I also added some italics because it drives me crazy that gchat doesn’t offer that feature. Or text messages for that matter. I need italics!

me:  also I just started GoT, so expect sudden changes in conversation

Brian:  they cut out another storyline

me:  so grey worm is not dead?

Brian:  nope

me:  I don’t know why I didn’t think dany would be too dramatic about barry. of course she would be. esp after the cute story about her brother (who I thought was her father).

I hate when the closed captions just say “speaking valaryian”

Brian:  “our translator doesn’t know what one”

me: how did she decide which guys to feed to the dragons? were those harpy guys?

Brian:  lmao

me:  dany is a bad bitch… and that was graphic.

Brian:  like badass

or bad ruler? because, both?

me:  badass

Brian: tell me that after the episode…

me:  why did the one guy say valar margoulis?

Brian:  it’s like “I accept my death”

me:  oh ok

I thought it was code for something

Brian:  but yea, I don’t think it’s how you use that

I actually meant to look that up

me:  you should and then tell me about it. kthanks.

Brian:  when I heard that I was like “Fuck! He’s an assassin!”

me:  yeah me too, or that he’d run into the dragons like, suicide style

how did she decide which guys to feed to the dragons? were those harpy guys?

Brian:  I think to scare them into revealing who sent the harpies maybe?

me: so does sam just run the library? that’s his job now?

“Like a hundred year old man, freezing to death” I feel that way too Master Aemon. I mean, not in this moment but if you’d asked me in Febuary…

Brian:  awwwww

yea, sam’s the nerd of the wall

me:  “Kill the boy and let the man be born” – yeah Aemon! Tell Jon Snow!

what’s gingy beards name again?

Brian:  at the wall?

me:  yeah… the free folk guy

Brian:  thormund giantsbane. something like that

me: the day I fight with the crows is the day my people cut my guts from my belly and make me eat them… well that’s graphic. and mance is dead right?

Brian:  he’s the guy they burned alive (that JS put out of his misery)

me:  RIGHT

that’s what I thought. Ok

gingy beard is creepy, but I like Jon Snow calling him a coward.

Brian:  haha

he’s kinda a badass

me:  Jon Snow has never been my favorite, but I do like him as lord commander more than in previous seasons

“make peace to save your people” translation: Don’t be a stubborn ass.

why would the lord commander leave the… wherever they are? where are they right now? Castle Black?

so jon has to go north of the wall AGAIN? come on! Ugh.

Also I thought Stannis left? (him correcting that knight – “Fewer” pmp.

Where are you and why aren’t you answering my burning questions…

Brian:  he does in this episode

me:  ok

and now jons asking for the kids opinion? wow. didn’t realize this kid had such an opinion. is he the one that killed Lady Ginger? at least jon can sort of relate to the kid?

Brian:  oh yea!

I forgot about that

me: Also was this the first mention of “Winter is Coming” this season? Gross. We get it. It’s coming. WE GET IT.

me:  Brienne… she’s one of the tops on my list of “people that can’t die”

ugh… if and when she dies that’s gonna be a tough one.


me:  so how does Brienne think this hermit guy can get into the castle?

Brian:  no idea. I didn’t get that.

me:  so weird. I was waiting for him to say “now you’re gonna die, lady”

Brian:  I mean, people loved the starks

me:  because that’s basically what I assume with everyone

Brian:  so maybe just assuming?

me:  Ramsey is such a tool. Seriously, fuck that guy.


Brian:  amen

me:  I’m surprised he’s not just throwing that chick out the window to be honest.

Brian:  oh, you’re at the scene

me:  I’m scared to watch

Brian:  oh game of thrones porn…

me:  more like a rape scene

if I were her I’d throw myself out that window

Brian:  haha

that’s the same chick that tricked theon

me:  oh yeah? so that’s why she’s not running away or killing herself… she’s as messed up as Theon.

I love that old lady that’s hooking up Sansa

she knows what’s up

Brian:  the north remembers


Brian:  back

me:  I collected up some questions for you.

me: What is up with Ramsay’s chick… trust her? don’t trust her? something is not right… is she team stark?

What is at the end of this dog cage?

God damnit what is at the end of this cage? Direwolf? Dead person?

Oh no shit. Reek. Theon!

Why would Miranda show Sansa, Theon? I don’t understand. What’s her angle? And how has Sansa not seen him yet? Has she not been near Ramsey lately?

Theon’s story line is bananas. Ramsey is totes the new Joffrey (see above meme), but way crazier. I wonder if he only forgave Theon because now he’s gonna punish the Miranda girl?

Why do Stannis and Bolton look so similar? I get them confused all the time.

me:  Sansa doesn’t believe that Theon killed her brothers, does she? What kind of name is Walda? It’s like they wanted something they think is a fat ladies name, thought Wanda but didn’t think it sounded Game of Thrones enough? Oh how about Walda? I realize it’s probably because she was one of Walder Frey’s daughters but I still like my previous theory. 

Brian:  lmao

ummm, I have no idea about Myranda

I don’t think she’s in the books at all

if she is, it’s minor

me:  right on

Brian:  and yea, Theon’s storyline is bananas

me:  Only because I hate Ramsey so much, I love the way Mr.Bolton fucks with him


Brian:  hahaha

me:  this conversation about Walda’s pregnancy is hilarious

and terrible

Brian:  ha!

me:  “I’m your son, until a better alternative comes around” hahahaha

Brian:  this story is fucked up

me:  I can only imagine

I mean, Ramsey isn’t just created… you have to have at least one fucked up parent to end up that way, right?

Brian:  right?

Reese isn’t a saint


me:  lol

Brian:  whatever

me:  I was just about to say I thought his name was Roose

but I like a nickname

maybe I’ll start calling him Reese’s

Brian:  no. I like reese’s too much

me:  hahaha

me:  For the record I think the stuff Gilly knows, is way more important than anything Sam knows

book learnin… what’s it good for anyway? haha

Brian:  saving the world?


me:  he doesn’t even know how dragonglass works

This convo about white walkers makes Sam look like he’s one of those crazy people that finally gets to tell someone important his theories, and then is shocked when the person agrees. I mean I basically think Sam is the Crazy Eyes of Game of Thrones… if that can be a thing.

Brian:  HA! yes!

me:  davos is one of my faves. I wish his part was bigger.

stoneface girl, she’s like the arya of this family

how old is she supposed to be? 10?

Brian:  yea prob round there

me:  so Stannis is leaving and Jon Snow is leaving?

grey worm! You’re alive! If anyone had to live I’m glad it’s him. even if he seems pissed about it. YES!!! GREY WORM AND MYSSANDRI 4EVAH (you know I like the character if I know their name).

Brian:  hahahaha

me:  to kill all the masters or not to kill all the masters…

tough call

poor dany doesn’t even have barry to ask what to do…

it’s times like these that Jorah should show up

Brian:  I think he will

although I dunno

I go back and forth

me:  so her answer to killing everyone is to re-open the fighting gates?

but is she gonna kill everyone?

so she’s gonna marry this guy?


is this what you were talking about last week?

Brian:  yea but they changed it

a lot

like, in the book, she’s basically forced to marry him

it’s not her idea at all

me:  by who?


Brian:  and the dude is a scheming asshat

me:  Barry?

Brian:  no, the guy she marries

me:  oh ok

so in the book, it’s not that guy?

Brian:  he shows up and is like “if I stop the harpies for a month, will you marry me”

I think it’s the same guy, but different character

if that makes sense

like, not a sniveling guy being used by Dany

me:  like the guys character in the book has a different attitude

right, gotcha

Brian:  yea

me:  did Dany start in Valeryia?

have we seen it before?

Brian:  I don’t think so

me:  they just all speak it then?

So basically this would be like an american visiting ancient greece?

Brian:  yea exactly

me:  and then a dragon flies overhead…

of course Tyrion talks about “what remains” and I’m like – where have I heard of this quote before…

oh right, one of the real housewives wrote a book called “What Remains”

at first I was thinking it was some quote from LOST


I actually love that scene

me:  it’s very well shot with the dragon flying overhead and whatnot.

ok well the stone men ARE TERRIFYING

I was not expecting that

who’re they gonna touch? Jorah or Tyrion?

and just touching them will get your stone body?

what’s the deal?



one of them definitely got touched! I’m sure of it.

Brian:  lol

me:  jesus I thought that was gonna be a cliffhanger

glad to see T$ is alive

greyscale is fucking terrifying.

and what happened to the boat? did they just jump ship to escape them?

are they safe where they are?

SO MANY questions!

Jorahs face makes me feel like they aren’t safe.

oh because he got the greyscale


I should’ve known

and there aren’t a world of maesters around to save him like they saved baby stannis

well that was an intense episode.

Brian:  hahah

yea, I’m not sure where they ended up

in the book that scene is with a whole group they’ve cut out

and it isn’t jorah that gets greyscale

me:  I don’t want Jorah to have greyscale

that makes me sad

Brian:  right?

me:  maybe something will happen that will stop it from spreading. If this was written by any other person I’d believe they had a chance… although if this wasn’t in the book maybe there is still a chance? how fast does it even spread?

Brian:  I was reading an article about how the show jumped the shark last week

by killing selmy

me:  I can be optimistic about such a hopeless circumstance, right?

Brian:  it goes slow

me:  I hardly think the show jumped the shark with that… but I never read the books

so you know, there’s that.

Brian:  I think the other guy got some help somehow but I can’t remember

And, if you want to see Buzzfeeds probably better version of this (this chick at least knows/spells everyones name right), you can go here 🙂 

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I just wanted to get some thoughts out, because trying to do my actual job is proving somewhat difficult today.

I’ve only really been associated with Baltimore through the Orioles for most of my 32 years. But in the last 7 years, I have been an employee of this City. I work in a department that is working it’s hardest to better this City. To eliminate the blight that has been plaguing it for decades. We aren’t the police, we aren’t the mayor, we are just a small department doing our best to make the City a better place to live. That progress felt like it got knocked back 40 years yesterday.

To watch the news and see what has been happening the last few days, I don’t even want to believe it’s my city. But unfortunately, we know it all too well. These issues have been hovering beneath the surface for years. Many residents of Baltimore have had violent encounters with criminals, and what seems to be an almost equal number, violent encounters with police. I hate to know people in either situation, but more importantly, it’s hard to deny this culture when the stories are shared every day. All it takes is a spark to ignite the anger, and you end up in the situation we have now arrived at.

Many have said that they haven’t seen this kind of violence in Baltimore since the 1968 when Martin Luther King, Jr was assassinated. The thing is, back then, there were laws that were on the books that we could (and did) change. Now, this is not about law. This is about morality and you cannot legislate morality. That last part is an indirect quote from Barry Goldwater, regarding the Civil Rights Act, ironically. Coincidentally? I never know… but I liked the quote and it feels to sum up feelings I have.

Anyway, I just wanted gather some articles that I think are worth reading, before you go making assumptions about what is going on in Baltimore. Please read these articles and maybe, do your best to understand what is happening here and more importantly, why it is happening.

The ‘Other Baltimore’ Breaks Through

Non-Violence as Compliance

Gang Members: We did not make a truce to harm Police.

A Message from Ray Lewis

This video shows the passion that the people who care about the City. This is the
message of the people who work in Baltimore, the Congressmen and women, and
Councilmen and women of Baltimore, not just Ray Lewis.

Witness the Clergy that came together to stop the violence.

I also urge you to follow people who genuinely care about the outcome of this situation:

Councilman Brandon Scott

300 Men March

Dan Rodricks

Melech E. M. Thomas


And finally, if you want to help, here are some places you can go!

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The Grammy’s – Live Blogging a Day Late

Ok so I know I haven’t done the day 2 of Hollywood Week here, but that post is almost done… I just had family in town this weekend that was hogging my attention 🙂 So, in the meantime I wrote this little number!


So here’s the thing, usually on the Grammy’s I know roughly 1/3 of the people they’re talking to/about. It’s one of those things I kind of keep on but don’t really pay attention to. So anyway, I thought it would be interesting/funny to write down all the places I go on my computer while watching the show. I mean, maybe it is. Maybe it just reveals some inner psychosis about me? Who knows. Anyway… here goes.


6:48 – starting my Grammy’s pre-show coverage. Currently on Buzzfeed (via a google search of Game of Thrones valentines) to figure out which Game of Thrones hunk should be your Valentine (super distracted from buzzfeed to watch Pentatonix… they’re an odd little bunch of people). The thing with these GoT quizzes, you always pick so you’ll get the person you want, but I’m going to try to stay as objective as possible. I mean, as long as I’m not getting anyone from House Frey, I think I’m ok? Oh, and Greyjoy…. woof. But then I got Jaqen H’ghar.


So I have to take it again? Right? Meh… there’s an article at the bottom about reasons Sansa Stark is actually smart. I’ll read that instead. I wish more things were written in gifs.


6:54 – I cannot WAIT for that Royals show to come out! I feel like they’ve been hyping it forever. It looks like everything I want to see and I’m already wondering if Elizabeth Hurley would be on Andy to promote it when premiere week is here? She could be fun on the show, right? Oh hey Ed Sheeran! I can’t wait for his performance. That’s going to be fun! If you’re reading this and you haven’t watched his episode of “Storytellers” I recommend it. Has Ed Sheeran ever been on WWHL? I really need that to happen, but I do feel like he’s maybe been on before, but the internet has assured me he has not.

Make this Happen, Andy! You love a Gingey!

Make this Happen, Andy! You love a Gingey!

7:04 – And buzzfeed is back with something to make my avocado toast out of this world and the second I saw it I was like, yes. This. (ugh – side note I hate Chris Brown).


Everything bagel salt. Yes, this exists. And I pretty much need that YESTERDAY. Could I make this? I feel like it wouldn’t be hard, right? But buying it… I mean maybe that’s worth it?  Look at all the things it goes on: It goes great on pretzels, challah, coleslaw, bagel chips, popcorn, chicken, grilled corn, burgers, or avocado toast! The price is right on the verge… but it would make a good gift to give people if I did make such a thing, right? Yeah… I’m doing that.

Just overheard on television: We don’t go on hiatus. We go on “I hate us”. HA. What does that mean Dave Grohl? I hope you don’t actually hate your foo-brothers! I was just talking to some friends the other day about, if Kurt Cobain was still alive, would Nirvana still be a thing? I said no because Kurt would eventually still wanna go out on his own, and if not, Dave would’ve left the band because he needs more creative outlets. That’s what I think would happen.

Now I’m checking out this fishseddy website (see: everything bagel salt). Amy Sedaris apparently has a line with them #swoon and now I found this! How do I not own this?


7:15 – so should I be pumped about Katy Perry’s performance for the Grammy’s? I mean, she’s not going to top the Super Bowl. (Ad Fishseddy has a RBG mug. Just add that to my imaginary shopping cart). And when did Katy Perry get a nose ring? Has she had that a long time? ok she’s only had it since August so not bad for me not knowing… although I’ve seen her in a ton of interviews leading up to the Super Bowl so how didn’t I catch it then? Meh…

7:21 – and I’m back to buzzfeed. In the article that brought me the everything bagel salt… And looking up at the pre-show – damn does Jessie J look amaze. That glam cam thing makes me dizzy but it is a great dress, or what?

7:30 and I just binged through 3 different bizzfeed articles.

First I finished this one so I could close the tab.

Then I had to check this one out because my sister and I are not so closeted old-school Mary-Kate and Ashley fans.

And then there was an article about ISIS that I felt like I should read but decided to email it to myself. Maybe I’ll read it tomorrow. It’s a little heavy reading for during the Grammy’s.

7:30 – saw something Game of Thrones related was recording on HBO so I’m gonna watch that for a half hour. Be back later.

8:08 – Well I had some “in between stuff” I had to take care of so I guess I’m going to play catch up for the beginning. I really don’t know how I feel about LL Cool J. I wish he’d go back to that show where he lived in the garage or something? I’m curious the relevance of AC/DC opening the show? They played somewhere else somewhat recently and I hated it then. I only want to hear AC/DC at a sporting event. I hope they don’t appear on American Idol this year… I feel like that would be their next logical step from this performance.

Love that TayTay was out first (and her dress is gorg. I’m glad she didn’t follow the heavy cleavage trend). I hope she performs early too just in case I don’t stay up for this shizz. Why is there music playing behind her talking though? That’s a bit annoying.

Best New Artist: Rooting for HAIM but Iggy had the best video. Fine with the Sam Smith win, especially because I feel like a lot of “Best New Artists” only have that one good first CD. (spoiler alert – this was the only award I was happy/fine with seeing him win).

Anyone ever been to this website? Red Carpet Fashion Awards.

It’s my new favorite post-award show (and sometimes during award shows – ie this evening because the BAFTAs were also today) to check out all the best looks. I especially love seeing what it looked like on the runway and how it translated to the red carpet. It’s interesting.


8:18 – caught up to the live show. And I’m back on buzzfeed. Little to no desire to hear Ariana Grande. Kind of wish I wasn’t caught up and could ff this…

I was just in a discussion about whether Tom Jones was still alive. I wasn’t the definitive right person, but I was pretty sure he was. And aww… this song makes me think of Top Gun. I really wish they could have some planes taking off in the back of this performance.

Also Buzzfeed, can you please do a “things Jessie J’s hair look like” for me? I’ll start, lego clip on hair.

As I’m watching this performance I’m remembering that in the pre-show she said she had 6 changes in the night. This is clearly her second (both wins), but will she be performing 5 more times?

Best Pop Solo – As long as the winner isn’t Sia or Pharrell and I’ll be happy (pun intended). Obvs I’d love to see TayTay win. Ugh… I was not happy.


8:27 – It’s a commercial so I’m looking up what I was supposed to gather from that Game of Thrones thing on HBO. The only thing I actually gathered was that I think Cersei was in Dorne? And there was a bunch of fighting with Jon Snow. And maybe those people that Ygrtte was with were storming some village? I found this Reddit to help me through… Am I supposed to know who the High Sparrow is if I never read the book? Lets hope not.

8:33 – What is this Miranda Lambert song? I mean, she looks like fun and her voice is great IRL but what are these lyrics? Am I supposed to know what Tony Lamas are? Oh they’re boots? Year, I’m ok with not knowing that. My dad tried to get me a pair of cowboy boots one year for Christmas and I’m glad he didn’t. Waste of money.

Best Pop Vocal – Obvs rooting for Miley! 100% Ah damn… or Ed Sheeran. Please. But more for Miley. What is pop vocal anyway? Blarg. Sam Smith again. I hope this doesn’t happen too much tonight (read: it will happen all night). NPH is happy for him so I guess I should be too.

8:43 – (As a fan of the podcase SERIAL) I heard earlier today that Adnan ended up winning the ability to apply for appeal so I want to look that up. But got distracted by this.

So Kanye is up singing Only One… yeah, t-minus 2 minutes until I’m crying. If you’re curious why just watch his interview with Ellen. I wonder if he’d break into Hey Mama? That’s the last time he sang at the Grammy’s. Wow. I actually didn’t cry. I guess I only needed 3 good cries from that song before I got over it?

Next up is Miley and Nicki. I didn’t realize how deep Miley’s voice is. Introducing Madonna! Nice. I did hear she’d be performing. I like this whole Matador look. I think if Madonna had a winning look it’d be matador-chic. This performance makes me want to go to a Madonna concert just for the bull dancers. And the gospel choir.


Yes, I both favorited and re-tweeted this, because it’s true.

Best Rock Album – Hate Ryan Adams. The only good thing about him was that he was married to Mandy Moore. She was too good for him anyway. I’m gonna root for the Black Keys on this one. But I’d be happy if Beck won for nostalgia purposes (a statement I regretted making after listening to part of the CD).

Just found proof of that “Best New Artist Curse” sortof. Thanks to Buzzfeed. Obviously. It’s like they read my mind – but if you are reading my mind, then where are the Jessie J hair comparisons?

8:59 Best r&b – Obviously you root for  Beyonce. and of COURSE she gets the CENTER stage when she wins! I hope that was written in somewhere. All hail the Queen (yes I know I just seem to be throwing the term around tonight but if any two deserve it, it’s her and Madonna).

Who’s the guy who introduced Ed Sheeran?

Most excited for this performance. This song is just the best. So romantic. It kind of reminds me of a Joe Cocker song.


No offense to ELO but I liked it a lot more when Ed Sheeran was singing. Can we mix that up a bit?

Gwen and Adam singing a Maroon 5 song. This look is so much better than Gwen’s red carpet look. I’ve been loosely on twitter because I like watching things and reading tweets along with whatever that thing is. And without having to do a search for who’s watching the grammy’s because bam – all my actual twitter friends are watching it! Thanks Billy Eichner and Kathy Griffin!

9:25 – The Take Me to Church band is on and I’m just wondering if and when Taylor is gonna perform because HuffPost tweeted something to that effect and I was expecting this to be her… so um… anytime now. I mean this is fine but haven’t we had a few too many ballads tonight? I need upbeat music if you expect me to stay awake for this. A girl has gotta work in the morning. Oh hai Annie Lennox. I honestly don’t think Taylor is even performing tonight so I should just chill and watch Annie Lennox. But… I really wouldn’t mind seeing Missy Elliot pop out or something. Ok but seriously though, I see all you people tweeting that Annie Lennox won the Grammy’s but I mean, she didn’t win it like Missy won the Super Bowl. That’s all I’m saying.

Best Country Album – I didn’t realize that last band was considered country, but that’s also the only song of theirs I know. I don’t care who wins this. I guess Miranda Lambert if I had to pick (winner winner).

And is Pharrell really performing? What? Happy? This is Happy? Ok it is happy… and my toe was tapping before I knew it. God damn this catchy song! Pharrell should work more with Outkast. I feel like they’d collaborate really well together. I mean really, see how fun this is?

So Hans Zimmer was playing with him? Like, composer of the Lion King, Hans Zimmer? It seems like there’s only one, online so I’m going to assume that was him. That guy is great. Never knew he was a guitarist but I guess when you’re a composer you can probably play most instruments?

9:44 OBAMA! Good message. Violence against women is wrong. Violence against anyone is wrong but against women it’s extra wrong. This lady, while I mean, message definitely important, but is she a beat poet? Am I horrible person for saying that? Her talking is just weirding me out and distracting me from her actual message.

Katy Perry and another ballad.

bored with this

9:52 – I got sucked into a sporcle quiz about things that happened in 1992. I’m doing pretty good so far… helps I’m mid-book about Madeiline Albright and a lot of things from this list are mentioned in her book! Also Barcelona was one of the best Olympics! And who doesn’t remember the Velvet Revolution?


Now who is that composer???


I like this Gaga/Bennett thing way better than the Jessie J and Tom Jones

Clearly over the Grammy’s now as I’ve just played about 5 sporcle games instead of watching the Grammy’s and also talked to Zack for a few minutes while Rihanna was on with Paul McCartney and Kanye and maybe some other people? I don’t know. Either way I didn’t hear it and I don’t plan on rewinding.

Beck had the perfect reaction to meeting Prince, no? But Prince is the best EVER!


Listen as much as I want to listen to Beyonce… it’s 10:47 and I can barely keep my eyes open, so I’m going to close them, in my bed.

Ok fine I’m still awake and Song of the Year is up. I really like all of these songs. I don’t wanna root against Sam Smith but… of course it’ll win. As it did. Figures. Do the Kardashians have a say in the winner of the Grammy’s now, too? Sheesh. I’m angry I even stayed up.

And seriously isn’t that Robin Hood commercial the best? Probably not the best in that I don’t know what it’s for but I love the little animals and the Robin Hood song!

Ok and now that it’s post-grammy’s, some things:

1. Saw Kanye this morning and while I thought he was a dick last time, I agree that Bey should’ve won this time. Who the fuck does Beck think he is anyway? I mean come on… boring.

2. Bey was great. I also loved John Legend… and Common was fine.

3. I really think Kim K was my best dressed. My Top 5 were definitely her, Jane Fonda, TayTay, JessieJ, Rita Ora and Rihanna. Ok fine that’s 6. Whatever.


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Sunday Dinner – Salad Dressing Machine

So while perusing my recently purchased 5 in 5 Cookbook, there was this fun little recipe for Turkey Cutlet with Brussels Sprout Salad


I’m still weaning Zack into the world of brussels sprouts (and myself for that matter) and I’d never made a dressing per se (marinades sure, but never a dressing) so I was a touch worried about how everything would turn out, but like any other recipe, as long as you follow the directions, you’re usually safe. Well, the vinaigrette salad that went on top of the salad drove Zack to eating seconds! That almost never happens with him and vegetables so I knew this had to be a success.



I couldn’t find the recipe online and I don’t want to be infringing on any kind of copyright so just do yourself a favor and get the book. It’s worth the money, I promise. Or, check out this website with vinaigrette variations… it’s got a great list of recipes is full of great variations, and I’ve made 3 so far. All delicious, but my favorite is the parmesan-pepper. It’s great on a pasta salad. It’s so much cheaper than regular salad dressing, and a lot of them make great marinades. Plus you can make just as much as you need, and not have salad dressing bottles hogging up your fridge door (even though they still do at the moment).

So, anyway, as I was eating the brussels sprouts I was thinking about all the other things this dressing would be good on, and I kept coming back to thinking it would be good on some fish. It seemed like a perfect combo, with a few modifications. So, I bought about a pound of cod (for Zack and myself, but it could’ve served a 3rd) and made up the following recipe:

Dressing turned Saute Sauce: 

1/4 cup sherry vinegar 
3 tablespoons of whole grain mustard 
2 teaspoons of garlic (or 3 if you’re like me and like a lot of garlic)
1/4 cup fresh chopped tarragon
1/2 cup butter** 

Instead of using a whole cup of oil which is what the dressing would call for, I just used about half a stick of butter. Maybe a little less. I thought a cup of oil sounded a touch ridiculous in anything other than a dressing.

I should mention first and foremost, since I rarely recommend gadgets/appliances, that there is one that I consider one of the best devices ever:


I think it’s called some kind of “shaker dressing mixer” or something to that effect. It’s by all the kitchen gadgets in Bed Bath and Beyond, and I even saw them at Dick’s for mixing protein shakes or something. They have prettier ones too. I wouldn’t set mine out at the table after making a dressing, but the prettier ones? I totally would. So, onto the recipe…

– Heat up a skillet, and melt the butter on a medium heat.

– Take the non-butter ingredients and toss them into the shaker and mixed it up for about a minute (or pour all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk), pour the mixture in with the butter in the pan.

– Add the fish. and turned it over a few times to get it covered in the mixture.

– Lower the burner to med/low and put a top on the fish for about 10 minutes.

It’s kind of hard to time fish but mine was a pretty thick, so mine took around 10-15 minutes to cook but it varies a lot based on the thickness of the fish. It’s important to just cook it until it flakes apart. It’s one of those things you just have to try until you get it right. And make sure it’s never translucent in the center. Hopefully it won’t take you too many tries to get right! haha. I mean worst case you throw it back in the pan and cook it a little longer.

I served the fish with some green beans and carrots (ok so it also had pancetta, and garlic). I kind of wish I’d made some rice too, but it was really good either way!



So anyway, hope you all enjoy!

Categories: Recipes, Sunday Dinner | 1 Comment

Sunday Dinner – Testing some new recipes

So now that American Idol is finally over, I’m basically wondering when Top Chef is starting. We also have a garden that is fully done as far as the planting/cleaning portion is concerned. Now we are just waiting for those home grown vegetables to grow!

Anyway, I think all these things lead me subconsciously, to cooking a lot more. Winter lasted so damn long I was just buying cookbooks to bide my time…. I was really happy with my selection.


My neighbor Noelle told me about this one by Michael Symon. She said all the recipes she’d tried had been good and most cook really fast as long as you are prepared with all your ingredients when they start. We’ve cooked a few so far and I don’t think any have taken longer than 30 minutes. So far, I’ve made the Frittata with Fontina and Fried Salami (amazeballs), he taught me how to make some dressing that I ended up using in a fish recipe the other day (that’ll be on the blog at some point because it was good times). The newest one I tried was also a take on another recipe. I think I’d do it differently, if I did it again, but it was good! Good as hell, if you will…

photo 2

Yup, Eggs in Hell. This is actually a bit of a donated recipe to the cookbook, as it’s actually Mario Batali’s recipe. No wonder it’s so delicious! No offense to Michael Symon, of course.

Anyway, the recipe said to make the recipe and then top it with bread, but I decided it might be fun on top of some pasta. What isn’t fun on top of pasta?


What I was actually most worried about were the eggs. For one, I’m not usually a “runny egg” fan… I like them fried, as nature intended. However, I’m always one of those people who likes to try something every couple of years, to see if maybe my taste buds have changed their minds. It worked with oranges and most citrus, tomatoes, bratwurst (still not with grapefruit, tuna fish, pickles or olives). I wanted runny eggs to be one of those things I like. They just look so good.

So, since I don’t really like my eggs that way, I never have to cook them that way, so this runny egg recipe was something I’m not familiar with. It seemed a lot like poaching an egg, except instead of water, it was tomato sauce. We actually made twice the sauce and kept half to freeze and eat later because it was good. My husband and I both like some zip on occasion, and this was a great way to accomplish that. And it’s simple which I love. I do not like a sauce with 100 ingredients. This one had 5. Garlic, onion, jalapenos, tomatoes and basil (crushed red pepper, optional, we opted).

I thought the eggs were a tiny bit overcooked but when we punched into the eggs, they were definitely runny, so I suppose, mission accomplished.

photo 3

So, do I like this particular recipe because the egg gets pretty mixed into the pasta and just kind of becomes part of the sauce. I still don’t think I’d like it on my plate at breakfast with just toast to wipe it up with. Blech. I’m not there yet. But this way, it was really good.

So anyway, check out the book. It gets 2 thumbs up from this girl!

photo 4Oh, it’s also good topped with some parmesan cheese for that saltiness. I used linguini because it was what I had, but I would’ve preferred if it were angel hair pasta. And I do wish I’d had some good crusty garlic bread to go with it!

And one more time, in case you missed it, get the recipe, RIGHT HERE! 

Categories: Recipes, Sunday Dinner | 1 Comment

Vacation, Day 16

I wrote a letter to Michigan (and that lying Tim Allen) for Day 16. Technically it was written the morning of Day 16, on our sojourn to find breakfast. The morning of Day 16 was a rough one. The bugs were out again, so we broke down our campsite in RECORD time. We’re talking, I think from getting out of the tent, to leaving, it was about 15 minutes. That’s moving. I still got 2 more bug bites though. Bastards.

We were supposed to see Pictured Rocks this morning but a lot of things conspired against us. This includes but is not limited to: Finding breakfast, Lake Superior, itchiness, frustration at having to take a 2.5 hour boat tour we didn’t want to take, things being in Canada. That’s just to name a few.  After the 3rd breakfast place we tried was closed, we got the hell out of there. To hell with Pictured Rocks.


Luckily, that wasn’t all Michigan had to offer. We also wanted to (and a Michigander in Montana told us this was an absolute must for the fudge alone. There’s fudge there, too?) go to Mackinac Island (pronounced Mackinaw, which they’ll remind you of, many times). Mackinac made up for a lot of what the U.P. lacked. We took a boat to the Island, and then took a tour of the Island by a horse drawn carriage. There are no cars allowed on the island so there is a HUGE biking community and others ride horses. The thing about this city though is, it’s like Charleston, SC or Savannah, but in Michigan. The houses are amazing! The fudge wasn’t bad either.


My favorite of the houses on the Island


One of our noble steeds


A view of the historic fudge shop, and the plethora of bikes!

After Mackinac we got back on the road and made it to Youngstown, OH (right by Lima. Don’t think that was lost on me. I looked for hotels in Lima Heights Adjacent but couldn’t find anything). It was another game of calling around. I swear, I realize it’s summer/holiday weekend, but in the middle of freaking Ohio? How are hotels full? It doesn’t make any sense. Either way, Best Western saved us again. Not our best hotel but after a few showerless days again, and hours on an island, we weren’t at our best either.

The good thing is that we’re only 5 hours from home! Yey for us!! It’s starting to seem exciting to be back, I can’t deny it.

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Vacation, Day 15

We had high hopes for Day 15. We were driving to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We’d heard really cool things and Pictured Rocks sounded like a place right up your alley. So we headed that way, a 10 or so hour drive (again) and let me tell you, you’d think that since the road kind of goes along Lake Superior, that you’d be looking out at Lake Superior for much of your drive. Well don’t get your hopes up. You’ll see about 5 miles worth? Maybe? I feel like I’m being generous. Plus you have to drive slow, plus there are motorcyclists everywhere and you’re thinking, “why are you here? It’s so windy!”

We thought we found a campsite and technically we did. Except that we looked up one campsite and called another accidentally, and then the one we called wouldn’t answer the phone. Luckily we were able to figure out the problem relatively quickly, but adding an extra 30 minutes in the car was the LAST thing we wanted. When we got to the campsite, it was nice except for the swarms of mosquitoes.


Michigan, Brought to you by OFF!

Yes, swarms. They were everywhere. Evil bloodsucking bastards. To add insult to injury it was also really humid, so being in long sleeves and pants and socks was just super great. And the covering yourself in sticky, gross smelling bug spray, totally even more awesome. Said no one, ever. EVER.

Oh, one bonus about Michigan though, and unfortunately I didn’t take advantage of it, but they still have Bob’s Big Boy! I know. It’s shocking really. I regret not getting the double decker.

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Vacation, Day 14

It’s really awesome how it’s worked out that super long days of driving, have usually rewarded us with something fun the following day (except for you, day 2). In any case, Day 14 was spent in Vergas, as I mentioned, with Zack and my Aunts husband, Mak. It was also 4th of July so I felt like you knew it had to be a good day. Zack and I had plans to rise early, get out our kayaks maybe, anything was possible. Then we accidentally slept until 11:30 (strike one) and Mak made us a super amazing potato/egg/amazingness (strike 2 and 3) that assured us that sitting around and being lazy out in the sunshine on a perfect afternoon, was exactly what needed to be done on day 14. We took a golf cart tour of town and got to view all of Mak and Judy’s property. They have this great barn, and a stage for their annual “Hillbilly Hoedown”. Mak collects Vergas antiques and has all sorts of cool things around his house. It’s really cool.


Inside the Barn



My Aunt and Uncles property (part of it)


We did get up enough energy to make it out to the fireworks in neighboring Detroit Lakes and once again were treated to a great fireworks show. There were different people having shows all over the lake, so you could see them all over, just about everywhere you looked. That’s always a nice feature when you’re out to watch fireworks. It was definitely a popular spot and we probably should’ve got there way earlier, but we’re experienced with traffic around places and really, this  was nothing comparatively. We stayed for about an hour and then headed back, since we had to be back on the road in the morning.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the best part about Judy and Maks house, by the by. While we were sitting out drinking some coffee I spotted some orange bird. Yeah, orioles baby. All over the place. It was amazing! I’ve only seen one in real life (and regularly in the summers on the ballfield, obviously). And because it was so close our camera was quasi able to catch them! They’re small but they’re there. I promise.


Oh also, I wanted to mention that I did end up getting both dogs to sit in my lap by the end of the night, Judy! They secretly love me it just takes a day or two to show it.


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