A1 Beef and Noodles

This meal is a combination of households. A marriage of recipes if you will. My husbands favorite “everyday” family meal is a little thing we like to call “Beef and Noodles”. My family doesn’t really have a favorite meal, but we have a favorite condiment, and thy name is A1. We put it on everything we can. Burgers, potatoes, anything we think will taste delicious, and for the record, it usually does.

The first time my husband made me his version of beef and noodles, I thought to myself, Man, this is pretty good… but there’s something that would make this better… A1!!

And thus, A1 beef and noodles was born! It’s super easy and a great winter meal. Hearty and delicious. So without further ado, here’s the deets…


2 packages of gravy (either brown or onion gravy will do. I like one of each)
3 shallots
1/2 cup of A1 deliciousness
2 1/4 cups water
1 lb stew beef (I’ve done it with filet too and it was equally delicious)
1 bag egg noodles
1 cup peas (or corn, or peppers, or green beans)
Vegetable oil


Grab your favorite skillet, pour in about a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and while it’s heating up, chop up your shallots. Toss them into the heated skillet with a little salt and pepper and get them nice and golden brown. Then add the stew beef and get it browned as well. Then you want to add half the A1 (a quarter cup) and a quarter cup of water. Then lower the heat and let that simmah while you cook up your noodles (as directed on the packaging).

When the noodles are cooked, set them aside and get back to the meat. You want to add the remaining 2 cups of water, the 2 packages of gravy, the remaining A1 and the peas*, and bring it to a boil. Once its been boiling for a solid 30 seconds, add the noodles and stir. And then you’re done!

Sometimes, when I have them, I like to add a few of those delicious French’s fried onions on the top just for fun. And because, as previously mentioned, they’re delicious.

When you’re done, you’ll have a beauty that looks a little like this:

*If you’re using something other than peas or corn, pre-cook them in the microwave before you add them to the mixture

Categories: Recipes, Sunday Dinner | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “A1 Beef and Noodles

  1. 1) this looks delicious.
    2) why didn’t I know this bl

  2. stupid iphone… let’s try that again, yes?

    1) this looks delicious!
    2) why didn’t I know this blog existed? Thanks, Pinterest!
    3) the word “baccalabloggala” is fantastic.

  3. Also, Mike would love this.

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